Partez en toute quiétude, nous nous occupons de votre félin.

If you are going on holiday, travelling for work or need to be hospitalised, we will look after your cat for as long as you wish.

Throughout his stay, we will be very attentive to his well-being.

So don’t hesitate to let your cat discover our hotel, you owe it to him when you are away 😉

Our accommodation conditions :

Our little guests are welcomed in a house that has been specially built for them. It is insulated, double-glazed, tiled, and has the same features as your home…

The house has several rooms, all with heating. Your companions will find a small bed, shelves, cushions, games, scratching posts, hiding places as well as clean and scented litter and a high quality food.

Litter and food included in the price.

Specialists who love animals!

Who better than cat specialists to look after your pet while you’re away?

You can go on holiday with peace of mind knowing that your pet is in the hands of loving and passionate professionals.

La maison du chat has received an accreditation that honours us and pushes us every day to improve the quality of our facilities and our services.

The animal’s well-being comes first!

  • Respect the welfare of animals as sentient living beings in accordance with the application of the Universal Charter of Animal Rights. 
  • Your pets are given the attention they need to establish a climate of trust from the moment they arrive at the hotel, which continues throughout their stay. 
  • Make sure that the environment, decoration and furnishings of the rooms make your pet feel at home and confident. 
  • The animals benefit from heating during cold periods. 
  • And air-conditioned during hot periods. 
  • Preserve the peace and quiet of your pet.

Our health conditions :

  • Provide your pet with the highest level of cleanliness, including daily cleaning of its space. 
  • Each animal must be in order of vaccination. The booklet must be given to us. 
  • A deworming and external antiparasitic treatment will be carried out for incoming animals.

Is your dog being treated? No problem…

A veterinary assistant will provide the necessary care, please inform us before coming and provide us with his instructions and his treatment.

Because your cat may not react the same way as at home, please provide a food to hide the treatment in (e.g. pate or zwan sausage to hide the tablet in).

The tariffs

We offer competitive rates.

18€/Day - Basic ALL-IN FORMULA*

*Included in the price: the room with basket and blanket, bowls, fresh water at will, ROYAL CANIN meals 2x/day, litter box, toys, litter box, cat tree, scratching post, 2h/day playroom, candy and cuddles.





*If your pet is taking medication, food supplements or is in need of care, please bring them with you and attach a detailed note upon arrival. If your pet’s condition requires heavy medical care, we will establish a tailor-made price offer.
**If you bring meals to be stored and perhaps heated we charge a supplement.


Please read our general conditions.
  • The ” Sprl LA MAISON DU CHIEN “, commits itself to inform the owner in case of possible problems during the stay.
  • The boarding kennel undertakes to provide the animal with a decent standard of living, food and fresh water in sufficient quantity during its stay.
  • The boarding facility will protect your pet from any mistreatment that may have an adverse effect on its health.
  • The boarding kennel will only accept dogs that have been vaccinated for more than one month and less than one year against the following diseases: distemper, parvovirus, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, as well as against “kennel cough” (bordetellosis and influenza).
  • Please note! Kennel cough is not systematically done as part of the veterinary follow-up. Before booking, you should ask your vet to vaccinate your dog against kennel cough.
  • The dog should have received a flea treatment and a deworming treatment before his stay.
  • The vaccination booklet or passport must accompany the animal during its stay in the establishment.
  • The boarding house has the right to cancel the animal’s stay if the vaccination booklet or passport does not accompany the animal.
  • All booked stays are due in full. No refunds will be given for early return of the animal.
  • A deposit or the total amount may be required to confirm the booking. In case of cancellation of the reservation, no refund will be given.
  • The boarder will only be returned to the owner after full payment of the balance.
  • For safety reasons, the animal entrusted to the boarding house must be taken back by the person who brought it.
  • If another person is to come in your place, this must be reported to the animal’s depot and this person must bring their identity card and a certificate from you.
  • The daily price includes accommodation, food, fresh water, basket, blankets, bowls, 4×15 minutes of playtime/day, sweets and toys. No discount will be given if the pet owner brings his own food, if the food is a home made dish, the owner commits himself to bring it in a freezer bag 1€/supplement/dish.
  • The owner shall notify the boarding house if one or more additional days to those indicated on the contract are to be granted, but shall also pay the extra cost of care.
  • If full board is booked, the owner will have to stick to the dates mentioned at the time of booking.
  • If the animal’s condition requires a veterinary visit, the owner gives his approval for “LA MAISON DU CHIEN” to call in a veterinarian.
  • The boarding house undertakes to contact the owner as soon as possible and to take all necessary measures for the health of the animal entrusted to it.
  • In the event of illness, accident or injury to the animal during its stay, the costs arising from the treatment must be reimbursed by the owner on presentation of receipts AT THE TIME OF RELEASE.
  • The owner must indicate if the animal has any health problems on arrival, together with the necessary treatment and instructions from the vet.
  • If the dog is taking medication (drops, cream, tablets), the owner undertakes to bring enough to administer the treatment. A supplement of 1 euro per dose will be added to the balance of the stay.
  • If the medical care is more complex (bandages, injections, etc…) a discount will be established in addition.
  • In the case of a serious pathology, cardiac, hepatic or other, which could lead to the death of the animal during the stay, the boarding house declines all responsibilities and the owner discharges all responsibilities towards the boarding house.
  • The boarding house cannot be held responsible for the animal’s escape, illness or death.
  • If the animal dies, the owner has 48 hours to request an autopsy to determine the cause of death.
  • The autopsy will be charged to the owner.
  • A report will be drawn up by the veterinarian and a certificate will be issued.
  • In the event that the animal cannot be taken back on the date stipulated in the contract, the client undertakes to inform the boarding house.
  • Failing this, 10 days after the expiry date of the contract and without any news from the owner, the boarding house will be obliged to entrust the animal to a shelter. Legal proceedings will also be taken at the owner’s expense.
  • The boarding kennel reserves the right to refuse a dog that is not sociable towards humans.
  • If the dog shows aggressive behaviour towards the staff during its stay, the owner undertakes to recover the dog within a maximum of 24 hours.
  • Unspayed females will not be accepted unless proof of contraception is presented at the time of booking.
  • If the bitch comes into heat during her stay, the owner undertakes to come and collect her within a maximum of 24 hours, the reservation will nevertheless be fully due.
  • The animal may be photographed during its stay, these photos may be published on various social networks as well as on the sprl website.
  • In order to give our guests as much time as possible and to avoid interrupting a play or care session, entries and exits are by appointment only and the timetable must be strictly respected. The boarding kennel is closed on Sundays, Wednesdays and public holidays, there will be no entry or departure.
  • Special opening hours also apply during the festive season.
  • On arrival, dogs must be kept on a lead. Dangerous breeds will be fitted with a properly fitted muzzle.
  • As a reminder, the dog accompanied by its owner is under its full legal responsibility. The owner commits himself to be up to date with his family liability insurance.
  • Boarding and grooming must be booked at the time of booking and we must be informed in writing if the pick-up time is changed. If it is not possible to change the schedule agreed upon at departure, the owner is obliged to pay the full amount despite the change.
  • Education lessons are by appointment only (email, written to the office or text message).
  • Any scheduled appointment can be cancelled without charge at least 48 hours before the date of the appointment, otherwise the lesson will be fully charged.
  • If the weather conditions are unfavourable an indoor working area is available.
  • A copy of this contract can be provided to customers on request.
  • When the owner of the animal receives the confirmation of accommodation, he/she commits himself/herself to pay the totality of the reservation. Only on presentation of a veterinary certificate attesting that the animal is in a dangerous state of health for the other animals, the stay is not allowed. The certificate must be submitted in writing at the latest 48 hours before the date of arrival of the animal. Otherwise this condition of cancellation becomes null and void.
  • In the event of a dispute, only the court of Nivelles will be competent.
  • The signing of the accommodation contract constitutes acceptance subject to all the conditions indicated.

The signature of the accommodation contract is considered as acceptance of all the conditions indicated. Confirmation of the mention “well received + name and surname” by email is worth full acceptance of the contract established between the two parties.